Why should I build an Ironwood?

Our goal is to help small builders understand, design and build Ironwood Homes in their communities. You won’t find these homes in a large development alongside the other cookie-cutter homes.

If you are a builder you will need to be experienced in design-build or work with a qualified architect. Every home will need a structural engineer stamp since this structural design varies from standard construction however, after the first design is engineered the process will become familiar and faster to review and approve. If you are the homeowner, look for these qualifications in your builder.

As homes are built and feedback provided, the Base Plans will be refined and published along with construction methods and processes. The Base Plan Set provides the details needed to design each individual home to help all builders to be successful while building high-quality homes for their community. Keeping costs low and construction efficiency high will benefit the builder and the homeowner.

The Ironwood Home is not intended to flip home construction on its head but rather to compliment it. Supporting home building in small rural communities and on properties long ignored by large developers will help many more people achieve home ownership.

This home design is meant to improve home construction for all areas of the market. Wildfires and other natural disasters have insurance companies running away or charging higher and higher prices, making home affordability that much harder. We need to build better, stronger and safer homes. Traditional home construction methods simply cannot solve these problems, the Ironwood Home does.

  • Flexible and easy to design
  • Every home is a custom design yet made from the same parts
  • Build a small house with plans for additions already designed, lower initial costs
  • Can be built anywhere, fits on any property size and shape
  • Standardized structural parts reduce design time and costs
  • Extremely Fire Resistant, Rot and Insect Resistant
  • Superior Seismic and Wind Resistant
  • Designed to be very energy-efficient
  • Solar Power and Water Heating always included
  • Prefabricate every part without a factory
  • Fast on-site construction
  • No large trucks or cranes required for assembly
  • Consistent High-quality construction

What is an Ironwood? | Plans & Specifications | Fire Safe & Strong | Energy-Efficient | LGS or Wood?