What is an Ironwood Home?

In its simplest form, an Ironwood Home is made from 400 square foot structural and gravity frames. Each frame is made up of 3 components with every component made the same. Shear Panels are 4′ wide by 9 or 10 feet tall, 3-1/2″ wood or light-gauge structural steel. There are 8 shear panels in a structural frames and 4 in a gravity frame. Beams are 12′ long x 3-1/2″ wide and 12″ to 16″ deep depending on the beam and structural requirements. Floor trusses can be custom engineered but will more likely be off-the-shelf products. The most important aspect of this design is every part is the same and can be used anywhere in the structure providing for extensive, high-quality off-site prefabrication and easy on-site assembly.

Multiple frames are arranged to create homes up to 3 stories tall, any shape and size. Every home is a custom design, inside and out. No two homes are the same.

Smaller and odd-shaped properties often sell for less, even in more expensive areas. An Ironwood Home can be designed to fit and compliment nearly any property. You can design around existing trees, rocks and other features on the site as well, build around a large tree you want to preserve or shape your home for better privacy from neighboring properties and create interior courtyards.

Each Structural Frame is considered a “stand-alone” structure and not dependent upon the adjacent frame. This allows us to design a smaller home and plan for future expansion to keep the initial mortgage costs lower. There is also minimal disruption to the existing structure during construction of home additions. Adding a new structural frame does not impact or modify the existing frames.

Bay Extensions and patio covers give the home more style by creating multi-level roofs. Placing frames with an off-set from each other creates a more interesting exterior look. Using various height structural frames helps us create roof decks for increased outdoor living space, especially needed when building on a small lot.

With the structural frames carrying all of the gravity, wind and Seismic loads you are free to design the interior as you wish. A good design can minimize interior walls and create large open spaces. Large exterior openings can also be designed into the home allowing for more natural light and great cross ventilation.

What is an Ironwood Home? Anything you want it to be.

Start by laying out the 400 sq ft structural frames to best fit the property, these can be arranged in any way desired or needed. Next, design the interior layout and complete the roof and exterior designs. Then complete the foundation details. I understand this is an oversimplified description but it does represent just how easy an Ironwood Home design and construction can be.

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